Monday, November 5, 2012

Fall Poetry Edition

"Fall Is Here"
By Paige Glenn

The wind howls
The sun shines
The leaves fall
The flowers sleep
The birds fly south
From autumn’s call
Summer has ended
A new season begins
A chilly welcome to all.

By Kailee Meyer

The sky rose with looming animosity 
And black skies fell on my black eyes
Raindrops drop like falling ballerinas
Gracefully connecting with other dancers
To make their last chasse` until they crash onto the earth 
The cracks in the sidewalk match the 
Cracks in my lips
We both clutch onto the gravel begging
For one taste of Earth’s tears 
And when they come, I drag my sandpaper tongue along 
Their sweet tasteless relief and pray
For another rainy day  

''Work of a Summer’s Day'' 
By Kailee Meyer
Darkened skin, stinging eyes, salty sweat.
Sticky skin.
Flipping tops of cold soda pops unleashing sweetened bubbles, sweetened tingles and sugary tongues.
Frozen teeth, and frozen throats.
Leather seats who've seen memories.
Windows open. Hair blowing. Music echoing.
Echoing through bodies and echoing through brains.
Sandy feet. Dandy days.
Our presence is but dented footprints in the sand left for another summer’s day.

By Mike Porch
          She is the rainbow on the dark rainy storm.
          She is the smile for every tear.
          She is the blessing in every trial.
          She is the faithful friend when life sends me tests.
          She is the song to every sigh.
          She is the answer to my prayers.
          She is everything to me; life, heart, and soul.

"My Love, Miranda"
By Mike Porch
        In the depths of winter I found a warmth no man would know.
       For I was led from the darkness by a pair of baby blue eyes.
        An intoxicating smile that could make a pit in my stomach.
                             And that mesmerizing laugh that could melt a heart of stone.
                               I prayed to the heavens for a sign and was sent an angel.
                                      The shattered pieces of a once broken heart were now whole again.
                                    This angel has saved my heart and soul.
                                        She is an angel of virtue, whose beauty transcends that of Aphrodite herself.
                                   She is the northern star who guides me home,
                                                                                    And because of her I shall never be alone.

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