Monday, November 5, 2012

Editorial: Lunch and Food Issues in the Castleteria

Editorial: Lunch and Food Issues in the Castleteria
By Mike Porch

Everyone was thrown off in the beginning of the year with the new plans for the lunch room. It did cause a huge up stir, but after the dust had settled everyone had found a place to sit and eat lunch. The issues later on in the year will be caused by weather. With a chunk of people sitting outside I don’t see them integrating very well into the lunch room when it comes time to keep them from going outside. Tables have already been established, and not many people will be willing to sit with people they do not know. The chaos of the lunch room has settled for now, but this is just waiting to be jostled awake again when the winter comes along. It will be an interesting thing to bear witness to, but it will cause tension in the lunch room. Most tables are already full as it is. Some people approve of this new set up, but they are completely over shadowed by the majority of which don’t find this to be any easier.

Will the new seating still be around to see next year? Who knows; there were many complaints in the beginning of the year, and there are going to be more when the bad weather makes it impossible to sit outside. We will see how this plays out for another time. I can see how the administrative body sees this: the seniors will be out, so they don’t care. The freshmen won’t have anything to compare it to. So those are two grades that do not care as much as the others, but eventually juniors will become seniors and not care and all that will be left is the junior year. The lines are longer, and it is running the lunch ladies ragged. All in all, it will become habit just like most of the school changes, and it will just fade into the background. 

**The editorials published on this blog do not reflect the opinions of the Silver Scroll staff. **

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