Monday, November 5, 2012

Freshman Perspective: Stepping Through My Year

Freshman Perspective: Stepping Through My Year
By Kailee Meyer


         I'm awake ten minutes before my alarm clock rings because the butterflies living in my stomach are fluttering around the theory that this is the first day of the rest of my life. Or, at least, that's what my mother has seemed to convince me in the short summer hiatus. Summer was running on a short thread, and now I'm standing in a hot lunch room alongside friends with older faces. Wiping away the perspiration crawling across my brow, I count the seconds until the bell sounds. The itching excitement stretches the nervous smile across my face so far it just might snap.
          Shaky hands fumble with locker combinations and shaky knees carry me off to the first class of the first day of 9th grade. The hallways are chaotic; passing future graduates is merely a push and shove to race to the next part of the day, but before you realize it, eventually half your day is gone. And the new rush is to get a table in the cafeteria. If you don't, you’re more than obligated to sit with a crowd you've been more than less acquainted with, and you try and break the awkward staring contest between you and some kid in a Ramones t-shirt. And before you know it, you’re creating new experiences, meeting new people, and diving into this new adventure called High School.

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